Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Choose Learning Topic

1. Big subject area:
My learning topic is going to be about teen under age drinking.
2. One really important thing I learned to do in this subject is.
Is that 6,000 young people die each year and is more that illegal drugs combined.
3. Other people should learn how to
Be safe and do not  drive while they are driving and have a decided driver.
4. I would teach them how to do this by
Making a game that is fun and educational i will also do this by having different levels.
5. Summary of my narrow game topic in five words or less
Its gonna be fun.* Name of the website:Prevent Underage Drinking
* Link to website:https://secure2.convio.net/madd/site/Donation2;jsessionid=79C4BF4D48B3277C7826EA648CF37ECE.app260b?df_id=2701&2701.donation=form1&gclid=CIn8sd26vLoCFURp7Aod8gwAYA
* Author of resources you are using (could be whole site or just an article or photo):Unknown
* Date the resource was made (if known):Unknown
* Date you found it:10-29-13
* Fact 1:6,000 people die each year
* Fact 2:High school students who use alcohol are more likely than their peers to drop out of school
* Fact 3:Teenagers think good grades aren't important.
* Fact 4:Underage drinking can also lead to unplanned, unprotected sex and even teen pregnancy.
* Fact 5:That’s why Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) supports the 21 drinking age and provides resources for parents to talk with their kids about drinking.

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