Monday, September 30, 2013

Kid's Science Challenge

What was the title of the game?
Flavor Science
What lesson or skill did the game teach you?
It teaches you about how different smells can create one smell
Did the game do a good job of teaching the lesson or skill
No not really  
Was the game fun and entertaining?
Yes it was fun.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Recycling Stuff

Some of the stuff is recycled by the melt it down and make new shapes out of it  or make other things with it. An idea for creating a better environment at EAprep is to not a lot of paper just not make students write.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Tech Trash

What is tech trash?
Tech trash is a lot of technology thrown away that can't be reused
How does the trash negatively affect the environment?
It pollutes the environment and some chips they use to make give out radiations.
 What does the article explain about people looking for solutions to tech trash?
Instead of trowing it away they should keep it until it stops working.
What can you do to help keep tech trash from polluting  the community?
Give the computers that u don't use or u don't want to the people that cant afford it. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How this year is different from last year

This year it is different because last year the school was not organized and this year is more organized and the school only  has some flaws but i think they will get through it i guess and it is also different because i have knew friends and i also have my old friends.

Friday, September 20, 2013

What is globaloria

I think globaloria is about how to design games and use codes to make the objects move and also to make games so other people can play.I also think globaloria is about seeing what other people do and how they create new games and what type of things they like. I'm planning on having fun in this class and do fun and entertaining things where we learn from also.